Welcome to the WMS - Katherine Friesen
2024-2025 Online Hot Lunch & Fundraisers Ordering System!
This is where you as parents can order hot lunches, purchase items for fundraisers and find minutes for PA meetings. You will need to re-register even if you used this system last year. The code for the school will be in an upcoming newsletter. If you place an order in term 1, your login will remain the same for term 2.
Welcome to the Hot Lunch Fundraiser ordering system.
Ordering has now closed for Term 1. If you are new to the school or missed ordering, please contact the PA at kf.pa@mennoniteschool.ca
Ordering Instructions:
To get started, register your email with the code found in the information email. Returning families must re-register as well since the program resets every school year. If you have more than one child at the school, be sure to add each one (be sure to list their name used most commonly at school) and their grade, under your account. This will allow you to place an order for each one: select one child, order all desired items, submit, then switch child & repeat the steps.
Please be sure to order for ALL WEEKS. If you will be travelling, then you can choose not to select any items for the applicable date(s).
Once items are selected for all weeks and child(ren), submit the order and a total amount owed should be visible, and will also emailed to you (check your junk mail if not delivered). Send the owed amount via e-transfer to kf.pa@mennoniteschool.ca There is auto-deposit so passwords are not required for e-transfers. Cheques payable to WMES Agassiz PA or exact cash can be left with Jennifer Wiens at the school office.
Thank you in advance for supporting our school!
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